Friday, February 11, 2011

I used to be a good driver.

So, I stalled tonight at this big intersession. What the what?! I never stall. Well that's not all the way true, but still! I love my car. It's so fast. I can't wait until it's Summer and I can drive with all the windows down and the sun roof open, MGMT on and a pretty dress. 

So, funny story. I went to Old Navy tonight real quick. This lady was walking around talking to herself. She'd see something, run over and say "wow!", "so pretty", "real fur?!" It was hilarious. And then her daughter came up and was all awkward saying Mom come on, we have to leave. Then I felt kinda bad for following her around. The things I do to entertain myself without my Fiance and best friend. 

Here's what I wore today. Pretty boring, but I kinda liked it. 

Jeans: F21
Button-up: Gap
Sweater: Target 
Boots: Kohls 
Socks: Gap 
Belt: Gap 

I won this giveaway from Selective Potential  and it came in the mail today. I love Urban! And I'm so excited to use it for Spring. Or Summer. 

And here are some shots of Nads. I love her so much!! She's adorable. 

Photo Credit: Daniel Richards

Okay, have a great weekend. I'm off doing fun things tomorrow, I'll be sure to bring my camera. 



  2. UPDATE! i know youre not walking around naked so show me your clothes!!
